I'm setting up a proxmox cluster with two nodes and a Raspberry Pi as a qdevice.
I first set it up at home without any issues regarding the qdevice setup. I then ran pvecm qdevice remove since I was moving the setup to another network using another Pi.
After installing the packages and enabling root ssh access on the new Pi, running pvecm qdevice setup <IP> fails, even with --force, with the following message:
I have tried purging the corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice packages from the Pi and reinstalling them. I have tried removing /etc/corosync/qnetd/nssdb, I've even removed authorized_keys on the Pi, but nothing changes.
This is what corosync.conf looks like:
I first set it up at home without any issues regarding the qdevice setup. I then ran pvecm qdevice remove since I was moving the setup to another network using another Pi.
After installing the packages and enabling root ssh access on the new Pi, running pvecm qdevice setup <IP> fails, even with --force, with the following message:
/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/bin/ssh-copy-id: WARNING: All keys were skipped because they already exist on the remote system.
(if you think this is a mistake, you may want to use -f option)
INFO: initializing qnetd server
Certificate database (/etc/corosync/qnetd/nssdb) already exists. Delete it to initialize new db
INFO: copying CA cert and initializing on all nodes
Host key verification failed.
Certificate database already exists. Delete it to continue
INFO: generating cert request
Certificate database doesn't exists. Use /sbin/corosync-qdevice-net-certutil -i to create it
command 'corosync-qdevice-net-certutil -r -n SF' failed: exit code 1
I have tried purging the corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice packages from the Pi and reinstalling them. I have tried removing /etc/corosync/qnetd/nssdb, I've even removed authorized_keys on the Pi, but nothing changes.
This is what corosync.conf looks like:
logging {
debug: off
to_syslog: yes
nodelist {
node {
name: pve1
nodeid: 1
quorum_votes: 1
node {
name: pve2
nodeid: 2
quorum_votes: 1
quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum
totem {
cluster_name: SF
config_version: 5
interface {
linknumber: 0
ip_version: ipv4-6
link_mode: passive
secauth: on
version: 2