Broken Installation

Craig Lowe

Feb 7, 2016

I am hoping someone can help, I appear to have completely destroyed my proxmox install. I attempted to upgrade from 5 to 6, I am not sure what I've done wrong, but after changing the repo to buster and performing the dist-upgrade, I cannot install anything on the system without getting errors about packages held back and unmet dependencies, I have been going round in circles for hours now.

I'm not sure now if I'd be best to just perform a fresh install, just wondering how difficult it would be to replicate my settings.
Please double check all repository in /etc/apt/source.list and /etc/apt/source.list.d/{all_files}

Could you send more detals about the error message from apt dist-upgrade.
Well, I would send details but it would that the situation has developed. After the failed update I couldn't access ProxMox via the WebGUI it obviously wasn't running on the server. So I had SSH access, however I'm not sure what has happened between last night and now but I can no longer SSH in, and I cannot login locally, the login screen appears, but when I login I am immediately logged out.

I think at this point the installation is that corrupted I am best off to start again, my question is, is there a simple way to retrieve my install? I have all the VM's backed up, so that's not too bad, but can I simply retrieve my ProxMox data from this install and replicate it on a fresh install?

Currently ProxMox is installed to an SSD, which also contains all of the containers, I realise now I meant to move the install to a USB and keep the SSD for the container storage, however, obviously didn't get around to doing that. My plan, if you can call it that, is to install a fresh ProxMox to a USB, and try to drag the required files from the SSD to get ProxMox configured as before.

Hopefully that makes sense and someone can point me in the right direction, cheers!
Okay, update on this.

I have ordered a new SSD, I don't want to format the current SSD drive, until I have everything running again. I would rather just start a fresh than trying to fix what seems to be a complete mess of an install.

As it stands, I have...

ProxMox installed to an SSD but currently inaccessible, both locally and remotely. I've obviously messed something up but I think it'll be quicker and less problematic now to start again.

Backups of all VM's on a 2TB Drive

All data is on an 8TB array, this is irrelevant really.

My plan is to install a fresh ProxMox to the new SSD, booted via USB, and potentially just clone the drive to the old drive once I am in a better position, with the future plan of keeping a clone of the ProxMox drive on the new SSD, as I should've been doing all along...

All the VM's were running under ProxMox v5, I will hopefully be installing ProxMox v7 on the new drive. My plan is to point the new ProxMox at the backup drive and restore all of the VM's. Now obviously this won't take care of the configuration of the fresh install of ProxMox. So is there anyway I can retrieve my settings from the original SSD, such as just copying /etc?

How likely is it that everything will restore from a v5 system to a v7?


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