BPS: Change IP of outgoing connections


Renowned Member
Aug 27, 2013
My PBS server have two IP addresses on the same interface:

# ip a l dev bond0 | grep "inet "
inet x.x.x.230/24 scope global bond0
inet x.x.x.232/32 scope global bond0

I'd like PBS to use second one (x.x.x.232) for outgoing connections. Ideally for certain remotes, but if I could use second IP for all remotes it would be great too. How it can be done?
i guess you'd have to setup the route manually with e.g. the 'ip' tool (can probably be done in the /etc/network/interfaces in the post-up section of the interface, see https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration for a general debian network config manual
i guess you'd have to setup the route manually with e.g. the 'ip' tool (can probably be done in the /etc/network/interfaces in the post-up section of the interface, see https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration for a general debian network config manual

Thank you. I just need PBS service to use different IP for outgoing connections, other services on this server have to use primary IP. I think I could use network namespaces for this. What process handle connections during sync process? proxmox-backup-proxy, proxmox-backup-api, something else?
the proxmox-backup-proxy handles these connections