That depends on where you configure it for a vlan (if you do that at your switch, then no) and why youre doing that. your average bond+vlan setup will look like this
ifconfig shows both bond0 and bond0.$vlanID without ipv4/netmask configuration
ifconfig also shows vmbr$vlanID without ip4/netmask config
vmbrX bridges bond0.X and the nic interface of your VM for that vlan
All of these devices need to be UP for connectivity to work, but proxmox takes care of that once you put the whole setup into etc/network/interfaces where it belongs.
the nic inside the VM (veth for openvz) is the only place where you actually give anything an ip address.
The only thing left to do at that point is to configure the bond on your switch as a 802.1q trunking port.
I hope that answers your question, otherwise you should provide more details on what you want to do and why