Blue screen with 5.1

Can i share a harddrive from another windows Server 2016 i'm running so i don't have to delete it and then add a new storage.
I'm not sure if I get your question right. You have a Windows server with a hard disk (e.g. a data disk, not OS) and you want to transfer this harddisk (the vm disk) to another server?
I'm not sure if I get your question right. You have a Windows server with a hard disk (e.g. a data disk, not OS) and you want to transfer this harddisk (the vm disk) to another server?

Yes! I've got 2 servers the one with 700GB (former main server) And another with only 100 GB only datadisks i want to add the 700GB disk to the other server so it got the 700GB disk, then i can delete the main server (and make the 2. server to main) make it sense? :-)
Yes! I've got 2 servers the one with 700GB (former main server) And another with only 100 GB only datadisks i want to add the 700GB disk to the other server so it got the 700GB disk, then i can delete the main server (and make the 2. server to main) make it sense? :)
Shutdown both machines (or at least, shut down the one you are removing the drive from). Manually edit the config files for both VMs (in /etc/pve/qemuserver/ ) and move the line for the particular virtual drive from the one machine to the other. The VM-id in the name of the virtual disk should stay the same - it should be the old one's ID, not the new one's. Save the configs, and start the new machine if you had shut it down. Now it should see both disks. Use Disk Management to change the drive letters if you need to.
In order to get all the data on a properly-named virtual disk, add a new disk to the VM, then copy all the data over to it, either at teh virtual disk level (using command line) or inside the virtual machine.
If you need more assistance on this, please create a new thread as this is not an issue related to this topic.
Make some progress but it more complected than I thought.

It looks like it is related to ksm and swap what trigger the BSOD.

Please to all can you prove that ksm is merging pages (In the Gui "KSM sharing" > 0)
and swap is used when the windows VM get the BOSD?

OK I’ve just hit this problem now. My host normally runs around 25 - 50% utilised on RAM so wasn’t hitting it. However have some BSOD Windows boxes this morning and looking my RAM is full. KSM has kicked in along with swap.

There’s no way this should have got to 100% RAM usage so think the memory leak I’ve read about affected me as well. Going back to the 4.10 kernel.

Can I suggest that you continue updates on the 4.10 kernel line until 4.13 is fixed and safe to use? Seems like this might take quite a bit of work and time to get resolved.
Another BSOD on Windows 2012R2 during the night, I can't understand why it's happening always during the night.
KSM sharing is 0, swap is used, see attached screenshot

@cybermcm : Does it crash too if you choose win2003 as windows version as os version (for you win10 guest).

This disable hyperv features that qemu support. I'll like to known if it's related to hyperv or not.
I'll try with the new kernel 4.13 and 2003/XP mode and report back...
[Update]: One machine with 2016 setting crashed, one machine with 2003/XP setting still running (normally crashes within one hour)
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