Block spam and user lists


Active Member
Apr 30, 2019
Hello, I have Proxmox MG 5.0 and 3 questions:
1. How I can block spam by text phrase from body text?
2. I have global and users white lists. If I block spam in global list for all users and 1 user add email address in own white list, this user can't receive this mail. How I can change priority? I want that users white/black lists have more priority than global.
3. How to block email/subject with utf8/ Cyrillic symbols?
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Hello, I have Proxmox MG 5.0 and 3 questions:
Please consider updating to the latest versions (5.2), since quite a few bugfixes and other improvements were made (`pmgversion -v` should show you which exact versions are installed)

1. How I can block spam by text phrase from body text?
This usually leads to a large number of unexpected false positives and in most cases where users wanted to implement this it was due to a misconfiguration, and fixing that removed the need for blocking based on trigger-words - please check your mail.log for results from pmg-smtp-filter and explain which mails should get blocked but aren't blocked.
That being said - you can create a custom spamassassin rule to block on a certain text in the body and include that in pmg (check out the pmg-admin-guide (section 4.8) and

2. I have global and users white lists. If I block spam in global list for all users and 1 user add email address in own white list, this user can't receive this mail. How I can change priority? I want that users white/black lists have more priority than global.
This is not possible in a straight-forward manner - the rationale behind is that the admin-provided black/whitelist has a higher priority and actually blocks mails, the user fed black-whitelist is there for users to prevent mails from entering the quarantine or forcing them there.

3. How to block email/subject with utf8/ Cyrillic symbols?
See the point about false positives in the body above. If you want to block such mails you can add a rule with a 'match field' object matching the subject and block mails if it contains any cyrillic character. Additionally the following links could help:

Hope this helps!
* The value is the regular expression that will be used by the rule system
* the Test String is for you to try if the regular expression works as expected - you just enter a sample string and click on test

hope this helps!
Когда я пытаюсь ввести эту информацию, я получаю следующую ошибку:

Ошибка проверки параметра. Поле (400): значение не соответствует шаблону регулярного выражения

Регулярное выражение отформатировано неправильно?
Как я понял решения данной проблемы так и нет?