M mrmikem Member Proxmox Subscriber Apr 22, 2020 2 0 21 51 Mar 26, 2021 #1 I was using the regex to block all emails from the .co domain. But now it turns out I have one customer who needs at least one .co through the PMG. Anyone know how I can allow domain.co but deny all other .co domains?
I was using the regex to block all emails from the .co domain. But now it turns out I have one customer who needs at least one .co through the PMG. Anyone know how I can allow domain.co but deny all other .co domains?
dietmar Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Apr 28, 2005 17,270 680 213 Austria www.proxmox.com Mar 26, 2021 #2 I would add a complete new rule for that (with higher priorities). Reactions: Stoiko Ivanov