Unable to get past the splash screen. I hit "Install", system displays starts show green "ok" stuff and then goes blank 
How to fix this? Does Intel 630 onboard gfx has anything to do with it? Its ASRock steel legend Z590 mobo and its not letting me set CSM enable either without GPU!
I tried changing bootloader option from "silent" to "nomodeset" and added acpi = off after that but that didnt work.
Am I changing the correct line (the one I get when I press "E" at proxmox setup screen?

How to fix this? Does Intel 630 onboard gfx has anything to do with it? Its ASRock steel legend Z590 mobo and its not letting me set CSM enable either without GPU!
I tried changing bootloader option from "silent" to "nomodeset" and added acpi = off after that but that didnt work.
Am I changing the correct line (the one I get when I press "E" at proxmox setup screen?