Dear all,
I'm running an HA LXC which replicates every 15 minutes, because data might have changed.
To get away from this high replication rate, I was under the assumption that I might put the data onto my NAS.
To achieve that, I mounted a NAS directory via NFS into the host. Works as expected.
Same procedure on each of the three hosts - all three use the same mount point in the same way.
when trying to hand the mount point over into the HA guest, I get the following error message:
How would I achieve this?
- exported data on the NAS
Could somebody please give me a hand?
Kind regards,
I'm running an HA LXC which replicates every 15 minutes, because data might have changed.
To get away from this high replication rate, I was under the assumption that I might put the data onto my NAS.
To achieve that, I mounted a NAS directory via NFS into the host. Works as expected.
Same procedure on each of the three hosts - all three use the same mount point in the same way.
when trying to hand the mount point over into the HA guest, I get the following error message:
root@proxmox-3:~# pct set 103 -mp0 /NFS/xxxxxxxx,mp=/usr/local/share/yyyyyyyy
cannot add non-replicatable volume to a replicated VM
How would I achieve this?
- exported data on the NAS
Could somebody please give me a hand?
Kind regards,