Bind backup communication to NIC


Oct 11, 2020

I have 2 networks cards in my PVE and also in my PBS.

1x internal network card - should only be used to access the gui or for smaller containers
1x 2GB interface configured as 802.3ad bond.

I have seen that my PVE is using the internal nic to send data to my PBS.
What I want is that for the backup the extra card with the bond will be used.

How can I tell the PVE Server to use the bond (and the bond only) for communication to the PBS?

Thanks in advance
Under Datacenter->Storage you have to define the PBS entry with the address of PBS's bond rather than the internal one.
Thats what I did. The bond has a different IP and I created a storage PBS entry with this one.
Problem is not on the PBS side, the problem is on the PVE side.
PVE still wants to use his internal nice and not the bond.

What I want is:

Atm it is:
PVE internal single nic ----> PBS BOND
Well, Proxmox uses the NIC that lies in the correct subnet. In order to use the bond of PVE it has to use the same subnet as PBS's bond.
Well, Proxmox uses the NIC that lies in the correct subnet. In order to use the bond of PVE it has to use the same subnet as PBS's bond.

Internal NIC

Both are in the same subnet.

In the VM configuration I can say the VM which bridge to use and this way define the network cards and route.
For the Proxmox to PBS backup I see no way to do this so far.

Sure I can change the setup e.g. set a vlan or use a different network for the bond connection but this is not what I want because the bond is also used for data intensive VMs.

Any other idea?
Although having two NICs in the same subnet is error-prone beyond recognition it seems to work for now. It's not recommended, though.
You then have to define a static route to PBS which uses the desired NIC, i.e. your bond.