I'm curious, as someone brand new to Proxmox/virtualization who has only ever used Docker, which of the built-in(?) container templates would be the best one to standardize on for learning to build containers running just one or a few related services (e.g., a Minecraft server and related tools that deploy via Docker, a logging system, etc.).
I'd like the containers to be as small as feasible (in terms of OS overhead), while still not making me jump through hoops to do things (I'm looking at you, Alpine).
I'd appreciate any opinions. (I know there are other, non-included templates, but most of those are still one or another flavor of one of the choices here).
I've listed out all the options included in PVE below, but my short list looks like:
I'm curious, as someone brand new to Proxmox/virtualization who has only ever used Docker, which of the built-in(?) container templates would be the best one to standardize on for learning to build containers running just one or a few related services (e.g., a Minecraft server and related tools that deploy via Docker, a logging system, etc.).
I'd like the containers to be as small as feasible (in terms of OS overhead), while still not making me jump through hoops to do things (I'm looking at you, Alpine).
I'd appreciate any opinions. (I know there are other, non-included templates, but most of those are still one or another flavor of one of the choices here).
I've listed out all the options included in PVE below, but my short list looks like:
- Ubuntu Server
- Fedora
- AlmaLinux/RockyLinux ( I don't understand how these are functionally different, yet.)
- ArchLinux: I know Manjaro best from using it as my Pi's OS, but I know enough to know it's not the best idea for a server template.
- OpenSUSE 15.3: I assume this is Leap? I don't really have any experience with this beyond reading a tutorial and messing the the package manager five minutes one time. I've not read about the suitability of this one for server use.
- CentOS 8 Stream: I'd prefer to avoid standardizing on this if only because at this point I'm not sure it's going to continue to exist in the medium- and long-term, and it's no longer "free RedHat."
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server: This would be my choice for a Debian-based server template. I'm the most familiar with Ubuntu out of all the non-Manjaro distros I've used, as it's almost always the base for whatever speciality OS I've decided to run on my Pi. I've been using Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS in a tutorial, and I like the feel of it so far.
- Debian 11 Standard: I'd just as soon use Ubuntu Server if I'm going to stay with this flavor of Linux.
- Fedora 35: I'm very interested in Fedora just because of its age and history, and I hear good things about using it as a server OS. I'm interested in using it so I can learn about it, but I have no idea if it's the best choice to use for a server template. At least (I think) it's as well documented as Ubuntu.
- AlmaLinux and RockyLinux: I understand these are both in the running to be what pre-Stream CentOS was. I have no idea of how to judge their suitability or choose between them.
- Alpine: I don't want to use this. I've used Alpine via a number of embedded Linux installs on network devices and as the base image on several docker containers, and I continuously get frustrated with what isn't included, or what is included but pared down to the point where it's unclear how to use it (Sendmail in Busybox has burned years off my life, hello).
- Devuan: Not to start a flame war, but I'm not really interested in Linux without SystemD. Of the various versions I've tried, one of the nice things is that they all have SystemD, which I know how to use well enough for my purposes.