Newbie question: I have a working bash script that creates a Cloud-init'ed VM via bunch of `qm` and `virt-customize` commands. Now I would like to customize the final state via Cloud-init YAML file (users, packages, files etc.). Beacause I am new to Proxmox and CI, I totally struggle with where to put the YAML file on the guest machine. Some examples operate with `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`, some with `snippets/vendor.yaml`, some with other places. I googled CI docs through and through, but fail to grasp this simple thing - where the YAML config (configs?) go.
Can you please point me to the right direction and what in bash script should I do with a YAML file so it gets processed by Cloud-init and machine is set accordingly?
Can you please point me to the right direction and what in bash script should I do with a YAML file so it gets processed by Cloud-init and machine is set accordingly?