Baselining Proxmox Updates..


Active Member
Jul 2, 2019

We (currently) have a 15-node cluster and adding a number of additional nodes migrating from SmartOS.

Each host has between 768GB-1.5TB RAM and either 1or 2 RAIDZ3 pools (with about 13TB of usable storage for each pool) - hosting between 50-100 VMs each, so we have fairly dense hosts.

Part of our challenge is keeping up with Proxmox updates across fairly dense and busy hosts.

The question I have is: is there a mechanism to BASELINE releases so that we can keep all hosts pretty much in line from a release perspective?

We are (generally) successful in live-migrating between hosts, but at the current release rate, and the increasing size of our host fleet, we're falling more and more 'behind' and not keeping up with releases across all our hosts.

Any ideas/suggestions?

Kind regards,

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We usually update with ansible, but i guess this is not what you are looking for.
Thanks @ness1602

Our issue is not updating each node :) - we just want to try and keep all hosts at the same update/'release' level.

By the time we've migrated VMs between hosts to do updates (which can take a couple of weeks), we're already in a place where updates have been released in the interim, and hosts we update now already have different updates installed..

Back to square one.. And this becomes much more difficult (and important) the larger the environment gets because we are striving to minimise inter-host variance and operational/support complexity..