Backups to PBS failing after VM disk size increase


New Member
Nov 18, 2021
INFO: 28% (430.9 GiB of 1.5 TiB) in 14m 14s, read: 479.8 MiB/s, write: 890.4 KiB/s
ERROR: job failed with err -61 - No data available
INFO: aborting backup job
ERROR: Backup of VM 101 failed - job failed with err -61 - No data available

It stops here and errors out. Proxmox 6.3-6 with Pbs 1.0-1

Any ideas?
Is this the output of the vzdump command?
Which is the vzdump command that are you using for make the backup?
Is this the output of the vzdump command?
Which is the vzdump command that are you using for make the backup?
Thanks for the quick response.

This is log out put from the email I get after every backup session. There is no manual command, it's initiated on a schedule (nightly) and the datastore is PBS with a local disk. Other VMs after this failure succeed.

Could this be related to the disk resize. We resized it from 1tb to 1.5tb.
In such e-mail you should have the command issued for the backup with vzdump.
Which is it?

Can you run this command on your Proxmox virtual environment in order to see if it gives more information regarding the problem?

The command is

vzdump --node dc --quiet 1 --mode snapshot --mailto --all 1 --storage backup-server --exclude 100 --mailnotification always

I can run it and report back unless you see an issue by just looking at the command.
Remove the option `--quiet 1` this way the command will output more data.
Regarding the backup storage, do you have nought free space?
It doesnt say anything differently.

INFO: 27% (405.1 GiB of 1.5 TiB) in 13m 48s, read: 496.8 MiB/s, write: 132.1 Ki B/s
INFO: 28% (420.2 GiB of 1.5 TiB) in 14m 19s, read: 499.9 MiB/s, write: 264.3 Ki B/s
INFO: 28% (430.8 GiB of 1.5 TiB) in 14m 41s, read: 489.6 MiB/s, write: 930.9 Ki B/s
ERROR: job failed with err -61 - No data available
INFO: aborting backup job
ERROR: Backup of VM 101 failed - job failed with err -61 - No data available
INFO: Failed at 2021-11-22 10:55:11
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 102 (qemu)

"no data available"

Then it just starts backing up the rest of the VMs successfully.
What kind of virtual disk image are you using for your virtual machine?
If it is qcow2, you can try this for check the virtual disk integrity.