Backup vzdump unused drive

May 4, 2020
Hi to all,
I'm wondering if there is someone that knows how to include an unused drive (disk) when backing up a VM.

When I try the backup, either using the GUI or the command line,
vzdump 151 --node MyPve --storage MyStorage --mode snapshot --remove 0 --compress zstd
the unused disk I have in the VM and where I have important informations is ever excluded, as the log says:
INFO: skip unused drive 'vmdata-zfs:vm-151-disk-0' (not included into backup)

Note that, in the configuration the disk is marked to be backupped.
I looked through the manual, but I didn't found anything about this.

Moreover, there is no chance to save this unused disk elsewhere because a clone doesn't include it either...

Does anyone how to make it possible?
What's the point in detaching the disk anyways. If it is important why isn't it attached?
Another option might be to create a different VM which is simply powered off. Attach the disk there and backup it this way.
Hope that makes sense ...