I use Proxmox 3.3-2 with a cluster of 4 servers.
The storage is a SAN.
I tried to backup with NFS, SAMBA and LOCAL and i get this strange problem, i hope to get a solution.
Last scenario :
Backup some of Windows VMs on Server 1-3 in snapshot - LZO and local backup.
Backup is completed with success but after backup, some VM are frozen and these VMs aren't on the same server of the cluster.
By example, I have several VMs crashed on Server 1-1, 1-4...
One week ago, i tested NFS backup with stopped VM, and i get the same situation, and cluster was instable.
Can you help me to understand the problem and find a solution please ?
Thank you.
I use Proxmox 3.3-2 with a cluster of 4 servers.
The storage is a SAN.
I tried to backup with NFS, SAMBA and LOCAL and i get this strange problem, i hope to get a solution.
Last scenario :
Backup some of Windows VMs on Server 1-3 in snapshot - LZO and local backup.
Backup is completed with success but after backup, some VM are frozen and these VMs aren't on the same server of the cluster.
By example, I have several VMs crashed on Server 1-1, 1-4...
One week ago, i tested NFS backup with stopped VM, and i get the same situation, and cluster was instable.
Can you help me to understand the problem and find a solution please ?
Thank you.