Backup trouble on DELL T320

Are you really sure you want to backup all the TrueNAS data disks with Vzdump? 22.3 TiB of data is a really big backup file and vzdump doesn't support incremental backups or deduplication so each following backup will consume the full space.

The error message reported the backup was aborted by signal. It doesn't mention which signal it was, maybe a timeout because the backup was running for 2 days? Or the process was killed by OOM because its RAM usage growed too much because of all the data?
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I was the one that stopped it. I am looking for what the best practice would be for backing up the server. Thanks again.
I would exclude the data disks from the backup and backup the data using some kind of backup tool from inside TrueNAS. I personally prefer to run two TrueNAS servers with identical pools and then use ZFS replication to backup everything from the main TrueNAS server to the backup TrueNAS server. So both servers contain the same data so that when one pool degrades I still got a identical working pool. Replication is great because it is very fast and it also will include the snapshots so you got versioning.
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I only have one server at this point. Would you have any editorial for a solution?