Backup Schedule Field Format?

Jun 30, 2021
Is there any documentation about the correct format for this field in the webui?

For example if say I want to do every day at 4 AM or every other day at 4 AM. I searched the backup portion of the wiki but there wasn't much being discussed on this subject.
Is there any documentation about the correct format for this field in the webui?
I searched the backup portion of the wiki but there wasn't much being discussed on this subject.

The format is based on the systemd calendar event and is documented in the PVE and PBS docs, respectively:

Note that currently Proxmox VE is slightly limited compared to PBS (cannot do ranges for the date-part yet), that is in progress of being changed, so that both use the exact same rust based implementation.

For example if say I want to do every day at 4 AM or every other day at 4 AM

For every day: 04:00, for every other day it's a bit harder express 100% correctly (i.e., that it really switches days over weekend), but using something like mon,wed,fri 04:00 could give you basically that.

Note that there's a backup schedule simulator in the PVE web-interface (DC -> Backup -> Schedule Simulator (top right)) that can help to verify the format.
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The format is based on the systemd calendar event and is documented in the PVE and PBS docs, respectively:

Note that currently Proxmox VE is slightly limited compared to PBS (cannot do ranges for the date-part yet), that is in progress of being changed, so that both use the exact same rust based implementation.

For every day: 04:00, for every other day it's a bit harder express 100% correctly (i.e., that it really switches days over weekend), but using something like mon,wed,fri 04:00 could give you basically that.

Note that there's a backup schedule simulator in the PVE web-interface (DC -> Backup -> Schedule Simulator (top right)) that can help to verify the format.

Oh wow, didn't know the that guide existed. Thank you for the extra resource! I was differing to the proxmox wiki.