backup only running VMs


Nov 12, 2020

we have some VMs on our system that are off almost all the time. but this can change weekly.

I would find a backup "selection mode" good in which you select "include running VMs".

that might be useful for others as well

you could also try to automate this using the API. Off the top of my head I could imagine:
  1. Get all VMs through /cluster/resources
  2. Manually run the backup on all instances which have the "running" status
this might be a bit racy though, since VMs could change their state in the time between querying and actually doing the backup. Otherwise, you could also just query the status of each VM right before you do the backup (/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/status/current).
As an alternative, create a pool "do_backup_this" and schedule the backup task to use that pool. Then change the pool membership to include/exclude the VM's that must be copied.

Check the bug reports that Neobin linked above as they expose a few corner cases were you might get changes in your VMs that won't be backed up.
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