Backup faided - Unable to rename


Active Member
Nov 24, 2015
Good Afternoon. I am new in the forum. This is my first Thread.
I have a error with the backup on Proxmox version 3.3-1/a06c9f73
Y have somes VMs with Qemu technology and when I make the backups with Backups tools The Task viewer show me this error:

INFO: status: 100% (1099511627776/1099511627776), sparse 31% (348888903680), duration 19784, 1457/24 MB/s
INFO: transferred 1099511 MB in 19784 seconds (55 MB/s)
ERROR: Backup of VM 101 failed - unable to rename '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-101-2015_11_24-00_00_01.vma.dat' to '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-101-2015_11_24-00_00_01.vma.lzo'
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors

I have this permissions on the directory

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4,0K nov 24 05:48 dump

and inside the directory this:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13K nov 24 05:48 vzdump-qemu-101-2015_11_24-00_00_01.log

Somebody can help me please?
I am also running into the same issue. Backup reaches 100% and then fails to rename from *.vma.dat to *.vma.lzo. Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?

Upon further examination, my issue appears to be a disk space issue. The VM grew just large enough that it barely touched the maximum storage capacity of my backup drive and didn't leave enough room for VZDump to remove the old backup file and rename the file. VZDump most likely reports 100% as a false positive, and therefore we do not see a space error. The solution is simple: Clear space on the VM or add more storage to your backup drive.
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Faced the same.
I have Hetzner backup storage connected using Samba (/mnt/SambaBackup/)

Usually my VM snapshot is 360GB.
So I expect to have 2 backups on my 1Tb storage.

But only 1 is possible at the moment. Second one is unable to be created:

100: 2019-07-18 05:10:55 INFO: status: 100% (2147483648000/2147483648000), sparse 77% (1673928572928), duration 11448, read/write 1637/0 MB/s
100: 2019-07-18 05:10:55 INFO: transferred 2147483 MB in 11448 seconds (187 MB/s)
100: 2019-07-18 05:12:30 ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - unable to rename '/mnt/SambaBackup/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2019_07_18-02_00_02.vma.dat' to '/mnt/SambaBackup/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2019_07_18-02_00_02.vma.gz'

Is that expected ?