I would like to backup more than one node of the cluster on the same external device.
To backup a single node was not a problem I do so:
As suggested I have wipe and create the directory storage directly from the UI selecting [your node] > Disks > Directory > Createdirectory.
Than I have made backups.
But after that I needed to go into shell for dismount device umount /dev/sdb.
Than I hade try to connect again.
I reconnected and in UI sdb is present again (but not mounted).
To remount I need to do it via shell
Everithing works.
It woluld be nice to have under menu 'folder' a dismount button and a remount button.
Now the problem.
I can create an external disk for each node.
But if I try to connect the same disk?
Now I have do so.
I have created on new external disk a backup device (same system and same name as first node), only on sdf and not sdb.
Tryed to dismount the disk and mount the previus, but after its non mounted (mybe for superblock).
Some Idea?
If there's no chance, I'll use an external disk for every node.
To backup a single node was not a problem I do so:
As suggested I have wipe and create the directory storage directly from the UI selecting [your node] > Disks > Directory > Createdirectory.
Than I have made backups.
But after that I needed to go into shell for dismount device umount /dev/sdb.
Than I hade try to connect again.
I reconnected and in UI sdb is present again (but not mounted).
To remount I need to do it via shell
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/pve/BackupCluster
Everithing works.
It woluld be nice to have under menu 'folder' a dismount button and a remount button.
Now the problem.
I can create an external disk for each node.
But if I try to connect the same disk?
Now I have do so.
I have created on new external disk a backup device (same system and same name as first node), only on sdf and not sdb.
Tryed to dismount the disk and mount the previus, but after its non mounted (mybe for superblock).
Some Idea?
If there's no chance, I'll use an external disk for every node.