I do alot of testing of installs/re-installs that often use lots of vm's.
One of my optimizations in esxi was to just to recreate a empty disk.
gwest@Mac-Pro pocp % cat erasedisk.sh
ssh root@esx.gw.lo "cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/$1;rm $1.vmdk;rm $1.vmsd;rm $1-flat.vmdk;vmkfstools --createvirtualdisk 160G --diskformat thin $1.vmdk"
gwest@Mac-Pro pocp %
This gets a bit more fun. As the drive could be either a qcow2 or a lvm drive.
Anyone scripted this? Goal is to just make sure the drive looks empty, and can be done in seconds.
Seems like I need to parse the .conf file, find out if qcow or lvm, and then go from there.
I dont see any qm commands that let me touch drives.
One of my optimizations in esxi was to just to recreate a empty disk.
gwest@Mac-Pro pocp % cat erasedisk.sh
ssh root@esx.gw.lo "cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/$1;rm $1.vmdk;rm $1.vmsd;rm $1-flat.vmdk;vmkfstools --createvirtualdisk 160G --diskformat thin $1.vmdk"
gwest@Mac-Pro pocp %
This gets a bit more fun. As the drive could be either a qcow2 or a lvm drive.
Anyone scripted this? Goal is to just make sure the drive looks empty, and can be done in seconds.
Seems like I need to parse the .conf file, find out if qcow or lvm, and then go from there.
I dont see any qm commands that let me touch drives.