Automate Hotswap Drive Bay with ZFS in PBS


New Member
Feb 9, 2024
I am new to home lab stuff and to zfs, but I am loving learning it. I am wanting to create a rotating offsite backup solution, I purchased two big ole HDDs that I plan to insert into my hotswap bays, run my import script to bring in the zfs pools nicely and replicate my backup pool to this drive and eject the other drive (which was there all month staying up to date) which will then be shipped off again to be stored in another location. After a month its mailed back to me, I plug it in and run the script again and send the other one away so the drives ware evenly.

Hardware: One PBS host (bare metal) running zfs pool called "backups" (its mirrored 18TB, with hot spare) is in charge of the datastore in PBS gui also called backups. I have Three other Proxmox VE hosts that run various VMs and containers. All use proxmox interface to send backups to the PBS datastore automatically like every hour. Basically if I mess up a VM I just roll back an hour and try again. I like the way this works currently. So my data is stored on local disks on the proxmox ve hosts, then backed up to backups datastore which is on the PBS host. Thus I want to create this rotating insurance policy 3rd copy of my data stored encrypted offsite.

The script chatgpt and google gemini helped me create imports my rotating disks correctly, prompts me for unlocking encryption, but when I try to update the zfs snapshots with zfs send / receive commands there is something wrong in the script and says "warning: cannot send 'backups@20240821-1733': not an earlier snapshot from the same fs". I have a simple crontab -e job running time stamped snapshots on the backups pool. I was able to zfs send an initial snapshot called "initial_replicate" from backups to offsite-a/backup-archive dataset, but now my zfs send is says "not an earlier snapshot from the same fs". I am just confused.

Here is the best script AI could come up with: (Offsite-a and Offsite-b are the rotating disks, I am sure you get the point by now what I am going for. There is a script for importing each when i plug in the drive to my bay.)

saved as, chmod +x to make it executable all done as root...(i know not best practice, but i am a home lab)


# Function to check if the pool is already imported
is_pool_imported() {
    zpool list | grep -q "${1}"  # Pass the pool name as an argument

# Function to handle the import process
import_pool() {
    echo "Attempting to import pool ${1}..."  # Pass the pool name as an argument
    zpool import -f -N ${1}

    if is_pool_imported "${1}"; then  # Check if the specific pool is imported
        echo "Pool ${1} imported successfully!"
        echo "Failed to import pool ${1}. Please check the passphrase and disk status."
        exit 1

# Main script Logic

# Import offsite-a pool
if ! is_pool_imported "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}"; then
    read -s -p "Enter passphrase for pool ${OFFSITE_A_POOL}: " passphrase
    echo ""

    export ZFS_PASSPHRASE=$passphrase
    import_pool "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}"
    echo "Pool ${OFFSITE_A_POOL} is already imported."

# Get the latest snapshot name from the backups pool
LATEST_SNAPSHOT=$(zfs list -t snapshot -o name -s creation -H -r "${BACKUP_POOL}" | tail -n 1)

# Check if any snapshots exist in the offsite-a/backup-archive dataset
if zfs list -t snapshot -H -r "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}/${ARCHIVE_DATASET}" | grep -q '.'; then
    # Get the previous snapshot name from the offsite-a pool
    PREVIOUS_SNAPSHOT=$(zfs list -t snapshot -o name -s creation -H -r "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}/${ARCHIVE_DATASET}" | tail -n 1)

    # Perform the incremental send/receive to offsite-a
    zfs send -v -i "${PREVIOUS_SNAPSHOT}" "${LATEST_SNAPSHOT}" | zfs receive -F "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}/${ARCHIVE_DATASET}"
    # If no snapshots exist in offsite-a, check if "initial_replication" exists
    if zfs list -t snapshot -H -r "${BACKUP_POOL}" | grep -q 'initial_replication'; then
        # Send the "initial_replication" snapshot to offsite-a to establish the baseline
        zfs send -v "${BACKUP_POOL}@initial_replication" | zfs receive -F "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}/${ARCHIVE_DATASET}"
        # If "initial_replication" doesn't exist, perform a full send of the latest snapshot
        zfs send -v "${LATEST_SNAPSHOT}" | zfs receive -F "${OFFSITE_A_POOL}/${ARCHIVE_DATASET}"

# Export the offsite-b pool
if is_pool_imported "${OFFSITE_B_POOL}"; then
    zpool export "${OFFSITE_B_POOL}"
    echo "Pool ${OFFSITE_B_POOL} exported."
    echo "Pool ${OFFSITE_B_POOL} is not imported."

echo "Incremental backup to ${OFFSITE_A_POOL} completed."

Thanks in advance if you made it this far...
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So after reading up a little about it, I found this:

and re-wrote my script to be easier so that its just sending incremental shots like this blog post suggests.


# Import the offsite pool
echo "Importing offsite pool..."
zpool import offsite

# Automatically unlock encryption using the keyfile
echo "Unlocking the offsite pool with keyfile..."
zfs load-key -L file:///root/keyfile offsite

# Snapshot the backups pool
SNAPSHOT_NAME="$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M')"
echo "Creating snapshot backup@$SNAPSHOT_NAME..."
zfs snapshot -r backups@$SNAPSHOT_NAME

# Send snapshot to offsite pool with incremental and resume options
echo "Sending snapshot to offsite pool..."
zfs send -RI backups@initial_replication backups@$SNAPSHOT_NAME | zfs receive -Fu offsite/backups

# Monitor the progress
echo "Backup in progress..."
while pgrep -f "zfs send" > /dev/null; do
    echo -n "."
    sleep 10
echo ""

# Check for completion and give feedback
echo "Backup complete. Exporting offsite pool..."
zpool export offsite

# Safely spin down drives before pulling them out from hotswap bay
hdparm -Y /dev/sdg
hdparm -Y /dev/sdh

echo "Offsite pool exported. Drives are ready for cold storage."

This script now works fine for my purposes.

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Looks fine so far - but I have not tested it ;-)

I know I do not get friends with this statement, but I have a general critique when I see most of the scripts shared and offered, please do not take it as a personal offense: What I am nearly always missing is error handling. This is bash, but I do not see "set -e" or "trap" or checking execution results of any of the core commands...

Expect people to put it into a crontab, possibly with something like " ... >/dev/null 2>&1" - because 'errors sucks'!

(In my days as a programmer 33% was code, 33% was error handling and 33% was documentation. Yes, I am old.)
Yeah...not a professional programmer. I just homelab. It goes without saying, run this at your own risk. I just ran it and on my hardware for my stuff it seems to work just fine....No offense taken, just like to share with others like me. Maybe I should start a blog too cause it was a fun journey learning. I had some other scripts that I wrote but just abandon because I felt they were not good practice.

One quick and dirty script, I was adding my rotating "offsite" disks as mirrors to my pool I was looking to backup and using "zfs detach" and "attach" to bring them in and out of an already mirrored pool. But I didn't like how the disk would essentially re-silver the whole drive every time I put it in and out of the hotswap bay and was quite slow, so that is why I read more about the incremental flag in that blog post. No doubt I have lots of learning still to go...

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