Auto Restart crashed Truenas Scale VM


New Member
Apr 9, 2023
I am running Truemas as a VM in Proxmox. I am randomly having issues with my Truenas Scale VM crashing about once every three weeks. Does anyone have or know a good way to have the VM auto restart when it crashes? Or a good container that will monitor all the VM's/LXC in Proxmox that will restart them if they fail.
I know that is a thing in docker but I haven't found an app for that in Proxmox yet.
You could write a script and run it somewhere (host, LXC, VM, ...) via cron/systemd service. Poll the TrueNAS VM via TrueNAS API and once it isn't responding for some minutes restart the VM via Proxmox API.

...but would be better to find out why it is crashing in the first place...each crash results in data-loss (even if it may only be the last 5 seconds of async writes)...
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