attach QNAP with iscsi and install VM without formatting iscsi target


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
i'm begginer in proxmox
iwant switch from esxi to it
in my case there is two HP G6 and one network storage(QNAP)
i want to make fresh vm as it possible but some case must convert in proxmox
i have installed proxmox on third backup server and i want to deploy on hp one after the other step by step
my problem at the start is that i can't attach my QNAP by iscsi same as esxi and install or convert vms
when it attached i have no access to continue my plans it just listed an i have no action to perform without format
Soy principiante de Proxmox y tengo un grave problema. Mi disco duro se daño por lo que tuve que volver a instalar Proxmox, ahora no se como cargar mis maquinas virtuales que tenia previamente echas en QNAP, ya cree los Storage, pero no se que mas tengo que hacer. Necesito de su ayuda, estoy realmente perdida.