ARM Support

hi all,

Installed as per @ayufan git code

I receive the following error

Starting backup: host/rpi/2023-12-28T18:23:30Z
Client name: rpi
Starting backup protocol: Thu Dec 28 19:23:30 2023
Error: permission check failed.

Thank you
your acess on the pbs is not correct
you probably forget the permission for the API token
you create API token for this client ? i hope :)
then go to : Configuration => access control => Permissions
then add API token permissions to authorize this clien to backup in your datastore

i usually give DatastoreBackup role
Datastore.Backup allows a user create new backup snapshots and also provides the privileges of Datastore.Read and Datastore.Verify, but only if the backup group is owned by the user or one of its tokens.
running Backup for rpi ...
Starting backup: host/rpi/2023-12-28T20:39:08Z
Client name: rpi
Starting backup protocol: Thu Dec 28 21:39:09 2023
No previous manifest available.
Upload directory '/share' to 'root@pam!rpi@pbs.home.lan:8007:nvm' as root.pxar.didx

Thank You very much!
i'm a little confused, if my rpi is running 5.10.103-v7l+ which arm client am I supposed to use (i only see 64bit and i think 5.10.103-v7l+ is 32 bit?)

oh i see i am supposed to use the old 1.1.9
is it better to back up a pi just files or as block device?
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i'm a little confused, if my rpi is running 5.10.103-v7l+ which arm client am I supposed to use (i only see 64bit and i think 5.10.103-v7l+ is 32 bit?)

oh i see i am supposed to use the old 1.1.9
As PBS isn`t officially supporting ARM SoCs you better ask the third-party-creator that created that arm port.
is it better to back up a pi just files or as block device?
When only backing up files you will have to install and configure your linux again.
As block device you got everything and can simply restore it to get a fully working linux. But that backup then probably will be quite outdated, as you shouldn't backup your block device while its filesystems are mounted (so the OS on it shouldn't be booted but booting from Debian OS with backup client on another disk/stick).