are drbd and 2 node clusters still things in the age of distributed storage?


Renowned Member
Aug 6, 2014
Was looking through the table of contents in Mr. Chengs new book on HA, and saw a lot of discussion of drbd. i thought drbd would be dead by now. we have ceph and glusterfs.

  • it is apparently hard to get it right. lots of moving parts, lots of potential for mistakes.
  • it does not scale out. if you run out of space, make a new one.
  • ceph and glusterfs are much easier to set up, and to do it right
  • ceph has that briliant monitor system for HA integrity

in other words, why would you work harder for something less expandable and versatile?

also, 3 node cluster are much easier than 2 node. a dummy quorum box is cheap. is 2 node HA at all still a thing?
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Was looking through the table of contents in Mr. Chengs new book on HA, and saw a lot of discussion of drbd. i thought drbd would be dead by now. we have ceph and glusterfs.

  • it is apparently hard to get it right. lots of moving parts, lots of potential for mistakes.
  • it does not scale out. if you run out of space, make a new one.
  • ceph and glusterfs are much easier to set up, and to do it right
  • ceph has that briliant monitor system for HA integrity

in other words, why would you work harder for something less expandable and versatile?

also, 3 node cluster are much easier than 2 node. a dummy quorum box is cheap. is 2 node HA at all still a thing?
I don't use 2-Node Cluster but drbd and ceph.

drbd is much faster than ceph (much less latency). I use drbd with SAS-Raid10 + SSD volumes between 2*2 nodes in one cluster. Much less trouble with drbd like with ceph!

I don't want miss DRBD or Ceph - they have both their advantage.

I find people tend to shy away from the complecity and harsh limitations of DRBD in favour of better scaling and better automated storage solutions like ceph or multi-node database clusters (instead of master-slave DRBD/heartbeat replicated mysql setups). Its not that DRBD wouldnt be usable (for some small corner use case), but it's mostly a case of "why bother".