apt-get update error in 8.0.3


Oct 13, 2022
No subscription environment,

I modified sources.list with
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription

But I still get 401 unauthorized

so I commented out enterprise lines in


Is it OK ? any issue ?
Yes, because it contains more up-to-date Ceph client packages too. While not used if you don't use an (external) Ceph cluster, ceph-common is always installed, because it is a package dependency for QEMU. With the Proxmox repository, you'll have a compatible, up-to-date version if you ever actually need it.
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Yes, because it contains more up-to-date Ceph client packages too. While not used if you don't use an (external) Ceph cluster, ceph-common is always installed, because it is a package dependency for QEMU. With the Proxmox repository, you'll have a compatible, up-to-date version if you ever actually need it.

Thank you very much! :)