Is it possible more details about your tests?
yes of course.
The open source host driver (gim) is here:
which compiled without problems on a current pve-kernel.
First try was with a consumer platform.
An Asus Z170-A with a i7 6600k
I could not get the MxGPU feature to work, the pci bus errored out with a 'not enough space' error, this was probably due to the mainboard
not implementing sr-iov completly correct (altough an intel i350 worked with sr-iov)
Passing through the complete card works, but under load the vm crashes and i get pci bus errors on the host. (Again i think this is due to bad platform implementation)
Second try was with an Supermicro X10SDV-6C-TLN4F (Bios 2.0) Xeon-D board.
At first, it did not work at all (host crashed on driver load), but this was due to a wrong bios setting (it has to load the 'legacy' oprom since the card
does not have a uefi bios). After correcting this, the driver loaded and the virtual functions appeared, and i could pass them through.
But still under load the vms crashed. I am not sure if this was due to the platform, a bad host / guest driver (i tried with 18.3Q from the amd site) or we maybe have a faulty card.
I will test again in a few weeks with an AMD Epyc Platform, if you want i can post my test results then. (Also we then probably see if the platform was the culprit)