Additional subnet...


May 16, 2023
OK, this may be a simple question but with my limited networking knowledge I can't get my heart around it. It may not even be possible with the configuration below.

I have my Proxmox VE running on an older HP G3 mini 800 with a 1gb nic. It is connected to a "dumb" switch which is connected to my Google Mesh device. All this on 192.168.86....

The Google Mesh provides a guest network on 192.168.87... where I have all the IOT "stuff".

How can I connect or add the .87 subnet to Proxmox? I would like to be able to run Home Assistant on Proxmox and control the devices on this guest network.

Any help is certainly appreciated!
You eiher need a second dumb switch and a second NIC or get a managed switch that can handle tagged VLANs so both subnets could be trunked over a single NIC.

Thanks for the response!

Not sure if I can get a second NIC for the HP G3 mini 800 - no where to put one. May have to go with a smart/managed switch. Any suggestions on one? Eight port is fine.


I added a second NIC and configured as shown. Should I not be able to ping (from the .86) devices on the .87 subnet? Sorry, I am not well versed in networking.
Should I not be able to ping (from the .86) devices on the .87 subnet? Sorry, I am not well versed in networking.
No, thats the point of different subnets/VLANs. They shouldn`t be able to communicate unless you got a router that routes between them. This could be a hardware router or software router like a OPNsense VM that sits in both subnets.
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