Adding new node v7 to v6 cluster


Renowned Member
Apr 6, 2011

I have a cluster of 7 nodes of Proxmox v6. I have a new machine that I installed with Proxmox v7 that I would like to add the cluster to start the v6->v7 migration of the cluster.

When I do:
# pvecm add OLD_NODE --link0 MY_IP --use_ssh yes
copy corosync auth key
stopping pve-cluster service
backup old database to '/var/lib/pve-cluster/backup/config-1633102000.sql.gz'
waiting for quorum...

It hangs on the new node and the whole cluster fails (the nodes stop seeing the others).

In the log I see errors like:
[status] crit: cpg_send_message failed: 6

Is it possible to add a v7 node to a v6 cluster? or should I re-install the new node as v6 and then upgrade?

Thanks in advance


Is it possible to add a v7 node to a v6 cluster? or should I re-install the new node as v6 and then upgrade?

Yes, you could add the PVE 7 node to the PVE 6 cluster.

Please run journalctl -f during the adding PVE 7 node to the cluster and post the output