I did manage to get this working on a 6.x build a while ago, but before I try an older version, hoping for some help adding external USB drive as Directory Storage on 8.1.3.
Created directory-
mkdir -p /mnt/usb3tb
Created/formatted partition-
sgdisk -N 1 /dev/sdb
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
Find UUID and edited fstab-
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
nano /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-uuid/fc5ab3c7-d21b-4173-866e-a05e0477df8e /mnt/usb3tb ext4 defaults 0
Mounted and restarted systemctl
mount -a
systemctl daemon-reload
Back to the GUI
SDB1 shows as mounted drive, all looks good
Go to Datacentre-->Storage-->add-->Directory-->
Name usbthreetb
Directory /mnt/usb3tb
Click OK=-->
create storage failed: mkdir /mnt/usb3tb/dump: Read-only file system at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm line 1390. (500)
I've tried editing folder permissions, chmod 777, I've tried creating directory and mounting to mnt/pve/usb3tb, same error.
Created directory-
mkdir -p /mnt/usb3tb
Created/formatted partition-
sgdisk -N 1 /dev/sdb
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
Find UUID and edited fstab-
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
nano /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-uuid/fc5ab3c7-d21b-4173-866e-a05e0477df8e /mnt/usb3tb ext4 defaults 0
Mounted and restarted systemctl
mount -a
systemctl daemon-reload
Back to the GUI
SDB1 shows as mounted drive, all looks good
Go to Datacentre-->Storage-->add-->Directory-->
Name usbthreetb
Directory /mnt/usb3tb
Click OK=-->
create storage failed: mkdir /mnt/usb3tb/dump: Read-only file system at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm line 1390. (500)
I've tried editing folder permissions, chmod 777, I've tried creating directory and mounting to mnt/pve/usb3tb, same error.