Adding Many usb device

see the manual pages of qm:

man qm
i explain a little the problem; in the man you can add multiple device with a same id
but with different id how does it works, and please saying " man qm " it not necessary and not helping.
the manual shows how to add USB devices, so I have no idea why this does not help here as this is the way to go.
Ok nevermind i got the answer
in qemu monitor:
info usbhost : getting all the usb

usb_add host:idhere:idhere //host is host do not put the vmid otherwise it won't work
usb_add host:idhere:idhere

and check with
info usb

that's all
What about the VMID.conf file. Is it possible to add persistent multiple usb devices ?
What about the VMID.conf file. Is it possible to add persistent multiple usb devices ?

Again, read the manual page. I do not understand your problem


You can add as many devices you want.
my mistake the second HDD is a ntfs, it was for this reason that i couldn't mount the hdd.
Now the question is (the vm is still running ), why when i unplug usb device which is edited in the .conf file and then i plug , it is not mount ?