Adding an existing HDD to Proxmox

You said and can see that the drive is partitioned with NTFS, but you are trying to mount it as EXT4 - a different filesystem type.
Plug this into google "mount ntfs linux"

or "proxmox mount ntfs":

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
Hey, thanks for the help, got the mounting thing sorted. But I can't seem to manage how to make this rive visible on a VM. I have a ubuntu instance running, but the drives don't show up there.
Hey, thanks for the help, got the mounting thing sorted. But I can't seem to manage how to make this rive visible on a VM. I have a ubuntu instance running, but the drives don't show up there.
I am guessing here, but it sounds like you want to pass-through the disk to the VM. That means you have to unmount it from the hypervisor and follow one of the many pass-through guides, and then mount it _inside_ the VM.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
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Hi! i have a HDD on which are four CT's can I use this method to get them up and running again?
Do you have a backup of the /etc/pve/lxc folder of the PVE system disks or an old PBS/VZDump backup of these LXCs? Otherwise you only got the filesystem of the LXCs on that disk but not the configs that define your LXCs.