Add serial adapter to log to file?


New Member
Sep 14, 2023
In Vmware there is a way to add a serial adapter to a VM and have it output data to a file. Is this possible through Proxmox? I just see how to add a serial adapter, but not configure it to save to a file.
This is required for debugging an OS that outputs to serial for its syslog.
You can do it via extended -args option:

qm set $VMID -args "-chardev file,id=char0,mux=on,path=/tmp/serial.$VMID.log,signal=off -serial chardev:char0"
That is one way, yes. There is also the option to add serial0 via the GUI which uses a socket. You can then access it via qm terminal <vmid> and do what you want with it.
Thanks all. I am very new to Proxmox.
Something like this screenshot from ESXi's GUI would be super awesome.Screenshot 2023-09-14 142630.png