Add sender to blacklist


New Member
Feb 27, 2024
Hello Everyone.

I am a happy user of PMG 8.0.3.
I wonder if there is an Action in mail filter to add sender (reciver) to a list (in my case I want to add to blacklist) in Who Object

Thank You
No - from within the rule-system this is not possible.

How would the rule look like ? (when should an address be added to which who-object, and why?)
Thanks for the answer.
Lately I had an issue that one of our mail account was hacked and has sent huge amount of spam.
Spam was sent all over the world and esspecially to domains (like yahoo) which we are not using, so I'm thinking to add such action in mail filter if someone is sending to specified recipient (or domain) add him to for example black list to prevent sending spam before I can block victims account.
hm - no this is currently not really doable with PMG.