Thanks for your answer. I finally came around to try this and in the end it worked. It saved me several hours compared to the "traditional" approach of backup, delete, join cluster and restore.
It took a while because I was still testing the new cluster. Then Proxmox 7 came along and I upgraded the cluster to Proxmox 7 (which worked great btw.) and did some more testing. During this time the single node remained as it was, since it was hosting more "critical" VMs. Now I finally had the time to shut all VMs down, do a full backup of each, and then follow your instructions.
I had forgot that the single node was still running PVE 6 when I started. I guess that's the reason why joining the cluster failed. It was in a kind of limbo state where the cluster knew about it and the node knew about the cluster, but somehow they could not communicate. I then upgraded the node to PVE 7, but it was still not joined. Then I followed the
documentation on how to remove a node and then simply rejoined the cluster. This time it worked.
The local storage had a slightly different naming in the cluster, so I had to do the zfs export/import renaming and alter the qemu .conf files accordingly. After that, I just copied the config files back, the VMs appeared, I started them and they work fine.
Some more infomration, if anyone want's to try this.
My single node had no containers, no firewall configuration, only ZFS storage, no users apart from root. I also made sure that the VM IDs where unique among all nodes.