I have had some success aroung adding a new language (Slovak) into PVE web application. However, I am not sure of the correct procedure to do so for PBS. I have seen that using the pve-lang-sk.js as pbs-lang-sk.js and putting it into /usr/share/pbs-i18n makes Slovak translations accessible in PBS web application. Anyway, it is not possible to choose Slovak language as the Default language under Configuration > Other > Gerenal settings because of the following error.
parameter verification errors
default-lang: value 'sk' is not defined in the enumeration.
I have found the enum Translation defined in src/config/node.rs, but I cannot locate this resource anywhere in the installed PBS's resources.
Please, is there an option to extend the enumeration without (re)compilation and what is the correct procedure for addind support for a new language for PBS?
Thank you in advance,
I have had some success aroung adding a new language (Slovak) into PVE web application. However, I am not sure of the correct procedure to do so for PBS. I have seen that using the pve-lang-sk.js as pbs-lang-sk.js and putting it into /usr/share/pbs-i18n makes Slovak translations accessible in PBS web application. Anyway, it is not possible to choose Slovak language as the Default language under Configuration > Other > Gerenal settings because of the following error.
parameter verification errors
default-lang: value 'sk' is not defined in the enumeration.
I have found the enum Translation defined in src/config/node.rs, but I cannot locate this resource anywhere in the installed PBS's resources.
Please, is there an option to extend the enumeration without (re)compilation and what is the correct procedure for addind support for a new language for PBS?
Thank you in advance,