Add machine name into vzdump log and/or log filename


Famous Member
Feb 17, 2010
Torino, Italy

i would like to have vzdump to include the "machine name" (the one is set through the web interface in the "name:" field) in the log file and maybe also in the log file name: otherwise i have to extract the conf file from the tar.gz just to see what was the name of the machine when the backup was created. I know that VMID is there to spot which vm is but I think that along VMID, the specified name could be much more informative. And more, VMIDs are reusable, so... that would help. Maybe even other details could be included into the log file, like: notes, configuration... it would add very little size to the log file...

Is something easy to hack myself into some perl (or other) script? Are there any drawback/risks I am not aware of?

Wouldn't be nice to include this into next releases of vzdump, even as an optional feature?

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take a look on the emailed log file. I store all my vzdump emails in a mail folder and if I need to restore I just go through this folder to pickup the right one.
I see those emailed summarized logs every day :) and already noticed they have the name attached, thanks. But those are production machines and i'm not likely to move them around VMIDS too often. But i do lots of test on a different test machine, and there happens that VMIDs (maybe from an old test machine i stored with a manual backup) are "recycled" for new tests...

I still would prefer to have the Name as a part of the backup logfile name OR at least as simple text in the related logfile, much as it goes in the emailed logs, at least as an option (in the same way as --dumpdir is a CLI option for vzdump, while pve uses the --storage option by default, instead). I don't suggest that as high priority, and neither as pve feature, but it should not be too difficult to implement it as a vzdump feature only, in the future, i think. It would be handy to have.

My 2c
