during a disk movement from a ceph to a zfs storage ( 10 TB disk, was already moved by 20% ) the thin provisioning checkbox was activated for the zfs storage.
The result was, that the task of the disk movement vanished. And i mean vanished like completely removed from the proxmox UI overview.
The task is actually still running as you can see it in the linux process tree:
and its still doing its job ( ZFS storage becomes populated with data ).
But for the UI view this task is not existing anymore. Its also not in the task history section.
during a disk movement from a ceph to a zfs storage ( 10 TB disk, was already moved by 20% ) the thin provisioning checkbox was activated for the zfs storage.
The result was, that the task of the disk movement vanished. And i mean vanished like completely removed from the proxmox UI overview.
The task is actually still running as you can see it in the linux process tree:
144998 ? Ss 1:56 task UPID:n1:00023666:0000F854:63187532:qmmove:111:root@pam:
and its still doing its job ( ZFS storage becomes populated with data ).
But for the UI view this task is not existing anymore. Its also not in the task history section.