acme - transip


Oct 20, 2020

I can add a dnsapi ( to proxmox (in /usr/share/proxmox-acme/dnsapi).
Then I can add it to the array: $plugins in the file: /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ACME/

The main challenge with this plugin is that you need a private RSA key, stored somewhere on the machine. To make it working, you need a file on disk, and then in the environment 2 variables:
export TRANSIP_Username="MyUserName"
export TRANSIP_Key_File="private_key" #like "/root/privatekey.crt"

But in the next update that plugins array/hash will be overwritten in the next update I guess.

What is the route to get this dnsapi into the final product, so I don't need to add it manually?

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Its been a while since anybody wrote to this thread, and transip has since been implemented in to Proxmox.
However after configuring transip and adding the private Key I am seeing the error:

"[Fri Jun 7 11:28:56 CEST 2024] Key file doesn't seem to be a valid key: /etc/pve/test.key"

So it does not understand the transip Private Key for the configured keypair in the API
for some reason. As a result the DNS can not be updated.

Does anybody know how to fix this?