Accessing NFS files from outside


May 20, 2022
I have connected a LXC to an external NAS storage by creating a NFS Storage in Proxmox and mounted it on the corresponding LXC VM as a mount point. However, I need to get access to these files in the NAS storage from outside the VM. I see the raw mount file in the NAS.

Reason: I want to create daily backups of the files generated by the VM and saved in the NFS/NAS storage.

What do you suggest?
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My first thought was to do it as it is done with Containers that is, make use of the volume switch to mount an internal folder onto a host folder but it seems this is not possible in Proxmox.
can u translate it in good english?
This is how I solved it:

In the VM (guest):
mkdir /mnt/foo

In the host
mkdir /mnt/remoteshare
mount -t cifs -o username=[username],password=[password] //[remoteServer]/[remoteShareName] /mnt/remoteshare

Then edit the VM configuration file, e.g.
nano /etc/pve/lxc/109.conf

and add the following:
mp0: /mnt/remoteshare,mp=/mnt/foo

My VM is now to produce files into guest folder /mnt/foo. These files are to be available on the remote server in the shared folder.

This solution assumes:
  1. there is no other mount in the configuration file therefore m0, otherwise change it accordingly e.g. m1.
  2. A share in the remote server is available for the given username.