Access to existing Bluray burner and ntfs-formatted hard drives


New Member
Feb 4, 2024
I've added an M.2 ssd drive to an old PC, installed Proxmox 8.1 on it and have created a Windows 10 VM. This same system had a USB SSD drive, a SATA hard drive, and a Sata Bluray burner that I'd like to have the Windows VM to have access to. I can mount them on the command line just fine and see the contents and the disks show up Disks on the node level.

When I try to add them under Datacenter -> Storage, I go to add, I'm not sure what to select. I select Directory, set an ID, give the mount point (/mnt/disk1), and select everything under Contents (which I saw in a video). It tries to create /mnt/disk1/dump and gives an error about a read-only filesystem. How can I accomplish this?

You will first have to install the ntfs-3g package to add NTFS support to PVE (NTFS is a Microsoft proprietary filesystem...not great for Linux where something like ext4/xfs would be a better option). Then you will have to mount it yourself by for example adding a line to your /etc/fstab. You can then create a Directory storage pointing to that mountpoint. But in that case don't forget to set the "is_mountpoint" option for that storage.

And passing through optical drives isn't that easy. Using virtual hardware only allows you to open data disks (no audio/movie and so on).