I'm trying to access proxmox and control all virtual machines on any internet connection using a standard browser, just like the usual way on the local lan.
I already tried to configure the router with a port forwarding rule. So, every outside connection on port 443 is forwarded to the web interface. But I can't open vnc windows for controlling the virtual machines. Also, port 443 is not a good port to be forwarded, since we also have a secure web server on the same net and I had to turn it off for testing this.
I'm trying to use something like https://dynamic.ip.address:84 but the host is unreachable.
Any ideas on this? I bet someone has already done this
Thanks in advance
I already tried to configure the router with a port forwarding rule. So, every outside connection on port 443 is forwarded to the web interface. But I can't open vnc windows for controlling the virtual machines. Also, port 443 is not a good port to be forwarded, since we also have a secure web server on the same net and I had to turn it off for testing this.
I'm trying to use something like https://dynamic.ip.address:84 but the host is unreachable.
Any ideas on this? I bet someone has already done this
Thanks in advance