About SDNs


New Member
Feb 22, 2024
Hey everybody. I hope you all healthy and doing well.

I want to design a SDN like this.

The left node is default one and it is my current setup also working well. I want to change it to like right node. I want to make one of my VM to VPN VM which would create VPN connection and share that connection to other VMs. I'm kinda new in forum also Proxmox. So, sorry about misquestining.
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I want to make one of my VM to VPN VM which would create VPN connection and share that connection to other VMs. I'm kinda new in forum also Proxmox. So, sorry about misquestining.

If I understand correctly, then it would make sense to create an additional, separate bridge for all VMs in the VPN network.

If you don't want the Client VMs to be able to see each other you could solve this via using a firewall rule that only allows traffic from client VMs to the server VM.