About export / import transactions


New Member
Dec 4, 2020
Isn't there an easier method to migrate from the following machines or is she considering such an improvement?

Xen/XCP .xva > Proxmox
Vmware .vmdk .ovf > proxmox
Virtualbox .ova > proxmox

The operations can be done as in the document below, but it is very difficult. Is there any development being made to make these processes shorter as in other virtualization platforms?

Which part of the VMware procedure, for example, do you find difficult?
proxmox has a lot of capabilities over the web console, but it seems doomed to the cli screen when it comes to export / import.
For example, you can import the file with ova extension with 2 clicks on the xen-orchestra. Cli is required again to export the machine with promox .qcow2 extension.
I appreciate the work done and I did not create such an issue in order to disparage it. I just wanted to get information about this improvement.
Making importing available in the GUI is something that we're actually working on right now :)
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Perfect :) Estimated when this enhancement will be completed. If this development is done, the difference between other virtualization platforms will rise.