[SOLVED] Aannoying mail from anacron - how do fix it?


Distinguished Member
Oct 25, 2010

since a whily i get mails from anacron from all my clustermembers:
error: glusterfs-common:1 duplicate log entry for /var/log/glusterfs/*.log
How can i fix this? There is no logentry at this location. So what does it would like to?

I use here PVE5, but i had this messages on PVE4 too.

grep -r glusterfs /etc/logrotate.d

and then check the matching files, one of them is probably a leftover file from an older version.
Hello and sorry, no plan
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-common:/var/log/glusterfs/*.log /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-common:              [ ! -f /var/run/glusterd.pid ] || kill -HUP `cat /var/run/glusterd.pid` ; killall -HUP glusterfs > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs:  /usr/bin/killall -HUP glusterfs > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs/bricks/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs:  /usr/bin/killall -HUP glusterfsd > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs:/var/log/glusterfs/samples/*.samp {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:/var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/*/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:    for pid in `ps -aef | grep glusterfs | egrep "\-\-aux-gfid-mount" | awk '{print $2}'`; do
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:/var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication-slaves/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:    for pid in `ps -aef | grep glusterfs | egrep "\-\-aux-gfid-mount" | awk '{print $2}'`; do
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:/var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication-slaves/*/*.log {
/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs-georep:    for pid in `ps -aef | grep glusterfs | egrep "\-\-aux-gfid-mount" | awk '{print $2}'`; do
I had a look at other servers. Under "/var/log/glusterfs" there is nothing. So i can deltet all these files under /etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs* ?
so you can see that "glusterfs-common" and "glusterfs" want to rotate the same logfiles. you can find out which package those files belong to with "dpkg -S '/etc/logrotate.d/glusterfs*'", if any of them are not installed you can just remove the corresponding logrotate snippets. if you are not using gluster at all, you can of course also remove all of them ;)
Reopend. The message still exits. I check us other pveinstallations. There are the same config, but they send not out such mails.
did you remove the /var/log/glusterfs/*.log section as well? it's also duplicated in glusterfs and glusterfs-common..