a node restart triggers a reboot of all other cluster members


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
sometimes when i restart a cluster node, it seems this triggers a reboot of all other nodes ( https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/p...-time-synchronsation-is-started-chrony.84663/ )

the same happened again:

node b + c where running, i've rebooted node a and when node a was up again, node b + c were automaticly rebooted.

for me it looks like node a has a bad time when it starts and takes some time to resynchronize.

1. how can i make the services relax more about bad times and not restart nodes this fast?

i understand that fencing is very important, but atm it feels way to sensitive.

2. why can't i find a log message about an automatic reboot? shouldn't there be a message? if not, how can i enable it?

3. why does a host with a slightly wrong going clock cause a reboot of all other hosts?
I encountered a problem similar to yours. All three nodes in the cluster restarted automatically. I had no idea at all and I couldn't find any logs.
we have disable HA (=remove all resources from it) and the problem disappeared: maybe that info helps.