7 to 8 upgrade stuck on Reloading network config on first install


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
I have been doing a number of 6 to 7, and 7 to 8 upgrades without many problems.

However today, I encountered an upgrade that got stuck on "Reloading network config on first install" Progress 96%.

Luckily, this server (which is remote to me) has out of band (OOB / HPE ILO) and I am not stuck. i have options. But this makes me scared of doing further updates on any that don't have OOB Management.

Any suggestions?
Just did another one that got stuck here:

Warning communications lost with UPS

98% Progress.

This one I can still SSH into so not a huge deal (and I do have OOB on this server as well), but not sure why I am running into stuck updates...
Last edited:
root@tch-phy:~# ifreload -a -d
debug: args = Namespace(all=True, currentlyup=False, CLASS=None, iflist=[], noact=False, verbose=False, debug=True, withdepends=False, perfmode=False, nocache=False, excludepats=None, usecurrentconfig=False, syslog=False, systemd=False, force=False, syntaxcheck=False, version=None, nldebug=False)
debug: creating ifupdown object ..
info: requesting link dump
info: requesting address dump
info: requesting netconf dump
debug: nlcache: reset errorq
debug: {'enable_persistent_debug_logging': 'yes', 'use_daemon': 'no', 'template_enable': '1', 'template_engine': 'mako', 'template_lookuppath': '/etc/network/ifupdown2/templates', 'default_interfaces_configfile': '/etc/network/interfaces', 'disable_cli_interfacesfile': '0', 'addon_syntax_check': '0', 'addon_scripts_support': '1', 'addon_python_modules_support': '1', 'multiple_vlan_aware_bridge_support': '1', 'ifquery_check_success_str': 'pass', 'ifquery_check_error_str': 'fail', 'ifquery_check_unknown_str': '', 'ifquery_ifacename_expand_range': '0', 'link_master_slave': '1', 'delay_admin_state_change': '0', 'ifreload_down_changed': '0', 'addr_config_squash': '0', 'ifaceobj_squash': '0', 'adjust_logical_dev_mtu': '1', 'state_dir': '/run/network/'}
info: loading builtin modules from ['/usr/share/ifupdown2/addons']
info: module openvswitch not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module openvswitch_port not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module ppp not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/pon found)
info: module batman_adv not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/sbin/batctl found)
debug: bridge: using reserved vlan range (0, 0)
debug: bridge: init: warn_on_untagged_bridge_absence=False
debug: bridge: init: vxlan_bridge_default_igmp_snooping=None
debug: bridge: init: arp_nd_suppress_only_on_vxlan=False
debug: bridge: init: bridge_always_up_dummy_brport=None
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.bridge.bridge-allow-multiple-vlans
debug: bridge: init: multiple vlans allowed True
info: module mstpctl not loaded (module init failed: no /sbin/mstpctl found)
info: executing /bin/ip rule show
info: executing /bin/ip -6 rule show
info: address: using default mtu 1500
info: address: max_mtu undefined
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf
info: executing /usr/sbin/ip vrf id
info: mgmt vrf_context = False
debug: dhclient: dhclient_retry_on_failure set to 0
info: executing /bin/ip addr help
info: address metric support: OK
info: module ppp not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/pon found)
info: module mstpctl not loaded (module init failed: no /sbin/mstpctl found)
info: module batman_adv not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/sbin/batctl found)
info: module openvswitch_port not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module openvswitch not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: looking for user scripts under /etc/network
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-pre-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-post-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-pre-down.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-down.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-post-down.d ...
info: 'link_master_slave' is set. slave admin state changes will be delayed till the masters admin state change.
info: using mgmt iface default prefix eth
debug: reloading interface config ..
info: processing interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces
debug: bond0: evaluating port expr '['eno1', 'eno2']'
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
debug: bond0: evaluating port expr '['eno1', 'eno2']'
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: no interfaces to down ..
info: reload: scheduling up on interfaces: ['lo', 'eno1', 'eno2', 'bond0', 'vmbr0']
debug: scheduling '['pre-up', 'up', 'post-up']' for ['lo', 'eno1', 'eno2', 'bond0', 'vmbr0']
debug: dependency graph {
        lo : []
        eno1 : []
        eno2 : []
        bond0 : ['eno2', 'eno1']
        vmbr0 : ['bond0']
debug: graph roots (interfaces that dont have dependents): ['lo', 'vmbr0']
info: lo: running ops ...
debug: lo: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: lo: pre-up : running module link
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bond
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: lo: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: lo: pre-up : running module auto
debug: lo: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.lo.input=0
debug: lo: up : running module dhcp
debug: lo: up : running module address
debug: lo: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: lo: up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: lo: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: statemanager sync state pre-up
debug: vmbr0: found dependents ['bond0']
debug: bond0: found dependents ['eno2', 'eno1']
info: eno2: running ops ...
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module link
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module bond
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module vrf
info: vrf: syncing table map to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/ifupdown2_vrf_map.conf
info: vrf: dumping iproute2_vrf_map
info: {}
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module auto
debug: eno2: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.eno2.input=0
debug: eno2: up : running module dhcp
debug: eno2: up : running module address
debug: eno2: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: eno2: up : running module usercmds
debug: eno2: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: eno2: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: eno2: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: eno1: running ops ...
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module link
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module bond
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module auto
debug: eno1: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.eno1.input=0
debug: eno1: up : running module dhcp
debug: eno1: up : running module address
debug: eno1: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: eno1: up : running module usercmds
debug: eno1: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: eno1: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: eno1: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: bond0: running ops ...
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module link
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bond
info: bond0: already exists, no change detected
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bridge
info: vmbr0: applying bridge port configuration: ['bond0']
info: vmbr0: bond0: bridge-pathcosts: no configuration detected, resetting to default 100
debug: (cache 5)
info: bond0: netlink: ip link set dev bond0: bridge port attributes
debug: attributes: {3: 100}
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module auto
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.bond0.input=0
debug: bond0: up : running module dhcp
debug: bond0: up : running module address
debug: bond0: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: bond0: up : running module usercmds
debug: bond0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: bond0: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: bond0: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: vmbr0: running ops ...
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module link
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bond
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bridge
info: vmbr0: bridge already exists
info: vmbr0: applying bridge settings
info: vmbr0: reset bridge-hashel to default: 4
info: vmbr0: reset bridge-hashmax to default: 512
info: reading '/sys/class/net/vmbr0/bridge/stp_state'
info: vmbr0: netlink: ip link set dev vmbr0 type bridge (with attributes)
debug: attributes: {26: 4, 27: 512}
info: vmbr0: port fwpr100p0 will stay enslaved as it matches with bridge-ports-condone-regex
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: vmbr0: port bond0: already processed
info: vmbr0: applying bridge configuration specific to ports
info: vmbr0: processing bridge config for port bond0
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: bridge mac is already inherited from bond0
debug: vmbr0: _get_bridge_mac returned (bond0, 94:40:c9:13:aa:1c)
debug: vmbr0: cached hwaddress value: 94:40:c9:13:aa:1c
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module auto
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.vmbr0.input=0
info: writing '0' to file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vmbr0/arp_accept
debug: vmbr0: up : running module dhcp
debug: vmbr0: up : running module address
info: executing /bin/ip route replace default via proto kernel dev vmbr0 onlink
debug: vmbr0: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: vmbr0: up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: vmbr0: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: statemanager sync state pre-up
debug: saving state ..
info: exit status 0
can do you a

"ifreload -a -d" and send the ouput ?

also, what is your /etc/network/interfaces content ?
root@tch-phy:/etc/network# cat interfaces
# network interface settings; autogenerated
# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
# you're doing.
# If you want to manage parts of the network configuration manually,
# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
# so.
# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT read its network
# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eno1
iface eno1 inet manual

auto eno2
iface eno2 inet manual

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
        bond-slaves eno1 eno2
        bond-miimon 100
        bond-mode balance-alb

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports bond0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0
root@tch-phy:/etc/network# dmesg | grep eth
[ 1.279165] tg3 0000:13:00.0 eth0: Tigon3 [partno(N/A) rev 5720000] (PCI Express) MAC address 94:40:c9:13:aa:1c
[ 1.279169] tg3 0000:13:00.0 eth0: attached PHY is 5720C (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) (WireSpeed[1], EEE[1])
[ 1.279171] tg3 0000:13:00.0 eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[1] TSOcap[1]
[ 1.279173] tg3 0000:13:00.0 eth0: dma_rwctrl[00000001] dma_mask[64-bit]
[ 1.295845] tg3 0000:13:00.1 eth1: Tigon3 [partno(N/A) rev 5720000] (PCI Express) MAC address 94:40:c9:13:aa:1d
[ 1.295856] tg3 0000:13:00.1 eth1: attached PHY is 5720C (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) (WireSpeed[1], EEE[1])
[ 1.295862] tg3 0000:13:00.1 eth1: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[1] TSOcap[1]
[ 1.295868] tg3 0000:13:00.1 eth1: dma_rwctrl[00000001] dma_mask[64-bit]
[ 1.356418] tg3 0000:13:00.0 eno1: renamed from eth0
[ 1.400364] tg3 0000:13:00.1 eno2: renamed from eth1
I was able to get in and finish the upgrade. My main reason for posting is to see if there is anything I can do to prevent lockups on future upgrades where OOB isn't an option.
Maybe I will run a reboot command with a 30 minute timer on the ones w/o OOB. Then if it doesn't stay online during the upgrade at least I will have a way to get back in assuming the reboot works fine! :)
This is strange, the reload is working fine and configuration is ok.

The message "reloading network config on first install" is coming from ifupdown2 install (default on pve8)

case "$1" in
 108     configure)
 109         fix_dhclient_file_with_space
 110         process_etc_network_interfaces
 111         process_udev
 112         chmod +x /usr/share/ifupdown2/__main__.py
 113         postinst_remove_diverts
 114         if [ -f "/tmp/.ifupdown2-first-install" ] && [ ! -e /proxmox_install_mode ]; then
 115             proxmox_compatibility
 116             echo "Reloading network config on first install"
 117             ifreload -a
 118             rm  /tmp/.ifupdown2-first-install
 119         fi
 120     ;;

maybe can you abort dist-upgrade, and do "apt -f install" to finish package install again.


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