6.1 HA with ZFS


Apr 15, 2020
So I switched from hyper-v to proxmox so I have 4 servers setup with a zfs raid on each one. Now I have been trying to figure out how to create "replications" of vms on other machines so if I loose one whole machine I can fail over to the vms on the other machines.

I see HA, Ceph and replication I am not sure where I should be doing this at or what I am missing that it is not working.


Ceph+HA could give you the best results as it's "live" shared.

ZFS Replication + HA can work, but you can loose the state from the VM between a failure and it's last (successful) sync.
I mean, depending on your time and how serious this setup is you could try out the HA/ZFS-Replication stuff first.

do i need to dump my zfs raids and remake them with ceph in order to do that?

This depends, Ceph and ZFS can coexist just fine in principle. But you naturally need some disks (called OSDs in ceph land) for ceph to be able to store some data. So if you really have no spare disks you could put in the servers for Ceph you may really need to do that of you want ceph.
Note, you always require at least one disk for hosting the Proxmox VE nodes root filesystem anyway.

See also: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pveceph.html
I setup 2 machines with ceph and started moving stuff over. Do the drives need to match in each machine, my machines are kind of frankenstiend